Wir sind stolz, Euch hier, jeden einzelnen unserer Sponsoren und Unterstützer für den IMAC EuroCup Germany 2025 vorstellen und präsentieren zu können.
Wir sind überwältigt, das uns so viele Firmen unterstützten. Dadurch sind Sachpreise und Gutscheine im Wert von einem 5 Stelligen Betrag zusammen gekommen. Das ist nicht selbstverständlich und wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle für diese großartige Unterstützung bedanken.
Alle Preise werden am 01.06.2025 bei der Siegerehrung in einer Tombola an alle Teilnehmenden Piloten verlost. Jeder Pilot hat die gleiche Chance auf einen der großartigen Preise unserer Sponsoren. Hier sind einige große Überraschungen mit dabei.
Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme ist die persönliche Anwesenheit jeden Teilnehmer.
Danke an Matthias Schmidt, Matthias Wolf und Frank köhler für die tatkräftige Unterstützung bei der Sponsorensuche.
Without the https://www.dmfv.aero/ as the main sponsor of the IMAC EuroCup Germany. And without the support of the IMAC EuroCup as a whole, a competition of this magnitude would not be possible. Many thanks to the DMFV for their long-term support of the IMAC EuroCup.
We are starting with one of our biggest supporters and sponsors for the IMAC EC Germany2k25. ZDZ Engines , one of the best engines available for your model airplane on the planet. The announcement of the non-cash prizes for our raffle at the awards ceremony is a huge surprise and leaves nothing to be desired. We are very happy and proud to have ZDZ Engines sro (Facebook) on board as a sponsor. And we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great support. Please check the website for more information. ZDZ Engines
ZDZ Engines s.r.o., based in the Czech Republic, is proud to present its impressive range of Giant Scale 2-stroke Gas Engines for RC model airplanes, PPG, ULL, microlight, and many other applications. With 23 years of experience in designing and producing RC gas engines, we have gained a reputation for excellence in our field.
Our engines are crafted with special care to ensure that they provide reliable, lightweight, and unlimited power to your model airplanes, ultralight airplanes, microlight planes, powered paragliding, rogalo trikes, and many other aircraft. When you choose our engines, you get a host of benefits, including:
We're confident that our engines will help you take your flying experience to the next level. With a focus on quality, performance, and innovation, our engines have earned the trust of pilots all around the world. We wish you many successful flights with ZDZ Engines. Sincerely, Your ZDZ Staff
We are very happy to introduce you to our next big supporter and sponsor for our IMAC-EC-Germany 2025.
CM Jets , Carlos Marquez. Are you looking for a fuel tank for your next model airplane? CM-Jets always has the best suitable individual solution for you, in the best quality available on the market.
Big surprises await you in the raffle at our award ceremony on June 1st, 2025
A huge thank you to CM-Jets and Carlos Marquez for the great support.
Please check the webseite CM-Jets and Facebook for more information.
Model maker since 1985 and jet pilot since 1998, we begin to make our own tanks for supply the necessity of our planes and of our friends, since 2014 making they in professional way for João Matos RC, followed of Jet Model Factory, Pirotti Models, SebArt and more, much more.
Step by step our quality and materials go up giving a best solution for our customers. Using the best products in the market for make the Kevlar tanks and offering the possibility of customized these tanks for each customer find a exclusive product for install in his plane.
Gas engine models, Glow models, Turbine jets or UAV’s, serial or custom tanks, in CMJETS you can find the best solution for equipped your plane.
All our Kevlar tanks are made by request, usually we not have tanks in stock because our customers can choose if they want put his name or some logo over the tank, this is the main reason for not have tanks in stock. the delivery time for make a tank is one week, aprox. For custom Tanks contact by email for give us plans 2D or 3D with dimensions.
We are very happy to introduce you to our next big supporter and sponsor for the IMAC EuroCup Germany 2025.
Hacker Motors GmbH. The best electric motors you can get for your model airplane and all other RC applications on the market.
Stay tuned and be surprised at what Hacker Motoren Gmbh has available as prizes for the raffle.
Many thanks to Andreas Golla and Hacker Motoren GmbH for the great support.
Please check the website Hacker-Motor-Shop and Facebook for more information and products.
Hacker Motor GmbH was founded in Germany in 1999 and has developed into one of the most important manufacturers for the model making industry. Hacker Motor's best-known products are high-quality electric motors with outputs from one watt to ten kilowatts. The batteries from the TopFuel brand, the RC paragliders from the Para-RC series, electric impellers and a wealth of accessories for model drives, cabling or controls are just as successful. High quality and fast service is available for all products.
It is with great pleasure and thanks that we introduce you to our next big supporter and sponsor for the IMAC EuroCup Germany 2025.
The best and first choice when it comes to the covering and design for your RC model. Unique quality, product variety and colors. Made in Germany.
Please check the WEBSITE and FACEBOOK for more information and products.
Big thanks for the support and the big prizes for the raffle.
It continues,
we are very happy, Skywing Europe is our next big supporter and sponsor for the IMAC EuroCup Germany 2025.
Be excited and be surprised by what Skywing Europe has in store for the raffle.
If you want a scale aerobatic model or jet model of the highest and best quality? Don't want to make any compromises in flight performance? Then you can't ignore Skywing Europe. Here everyone will find the right model from 38" to 116". Please check the WEBSITE and FACEBOOK for more information.
Biggest thanks to Marek Plichta and Skywing Europe for the great support.
It's time to introduce our next big supporter and sponsor for the IMAC EuroCup Germany.
I speak from my own experience. If you are looking for a well-stocked and very fast RC online shop, then you have come to the right place. Big surprises for the raffle await you, stay tuned. Thank you very much for the great support.
Engel Modellbau & Technik, Andreas Engel an internationally active supplier of a wide range of model building items. From screws to RC systems from FrSky to model aircraft from various manufacturers, model builders can find almost everything in our online shop www.engelmt.de
We are considered a fast, inexpensive and reliable internet provider with good support and special products.
Our focus is now on importing FrSky RC systems. We have been selling this brand here as a premium dealer since 2011. We are also the Service Center Europe for FrSky.
We have also been the exclusive sales partner for Alm Meca turbines, Advanced RC, TopRC, FTL Models and Bandit Models for some time. We are also dealers of well-known brands such as Electron Retracts, King Tech turbines, to name just two examples.
As a new development, Engel Modellbau has also taken over distribution for Advanced Radio. Advanced Radio is also on board as a sponsor for Engel Modelbau's distribution, thank you.
Please check the website for more information. www.engelmt.de
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